Everything you need to know about DNA
DNA, it is the building block of everything in our bodies. It is in every cell and explains much of the behaviour and external characteristics. Nevertheless, many people do not understand DNA. In primary and secondary school, you have had the basics of biology and this was apparently not enough. Anyone could have guessed that, because the school system is not exactly a perfect picture. That is why we want to give you a bit of a refresher course. How are we going to do that? By teaching you things? About what? Well, look at the title; about DNA of course! We are going to tell you all kinds of things about DNA. Basically, we are going to tell you about everything you need to know about DNA, but in an understandable way. We will also cover the use of DNA home test kits. So, read on to learn something new or to refresh your memory!
What is DNA?
As we have already given away a little, DNA is one of the building blocks of your body. Your DNA determines, to a certain extent, certain features of your personality and your appearance. You receive DNA from both your biological parents. This distribution is approximately 50%. So you have characteristics of both your mother and your father. This DNA is found in every cell of your body and carries all your genetic material. So, for example, this can also be the predisposition for diseases that are hereditary. With an at home DNA test you can test for example if your father is indeed your biological father and therefore if you carry his DNA with you.
Different DNA tests
We have just mentioned it briefly, but you have, for example, a test that shows whether your father is your real, biological father. But that is not all, there are many other tests. There are tests that show whether you are or may be carrying certain genetic diseases, tests that show whether you are fertile, tests that show the sex of the baby and many more. Almost all of these tests are done using a blood or saliva sample. In the case of a sperm fertility test, this is of course a sperm sample. The samples are sent to a lab, analysed and then you receive the result. Your data is handled confidentially and you will receive a reliable result.